Let Go of Past Mistakes and The Hold They Have On You

Hanging on to past mistakes only slows you down.  If you focus on past mistakes, it keeps you from moving forward with ease and from accomplishing what you want. 

let go of past mistakes

You make mistakes when you take a chance on growth 

If you aren’t making mistakes, you’re playing it safe.  You aren’t pushing yourself to be the best you can be.  Part of growing as a person, is taking a chance and making mistakes.  You have to take calculated risks to see what you can achieve in life.  When you make a mistake, realize you need to look at another avenue.  That’s all a mistake is.  Tell yourself, “I went this way.  It didn’t work out. Regroup and change direction or change tactics.”  

Mistakes don’t define you – They inform  you

So you tried something and it didn’t work out.  Good for you for having the courage to try.  Now take an objective look at it and see what you can learn from the results.  Where can you  make tweaks? Do you need to scrap the whole project or goal?  Is it something that can work out with some changes? As you look at ways of changing it, or moving on, you learn what works for you and what doesn’t. This way you don’t have to repeat the same mistake.

Put your focus on moving forward – Not staying in the past

Once you’ve decided what changes you need to make, let go of the mistake!  Don’t keep going over it again and again.  And do NOT beat yourself up for having made a mistake.  
From a logical approach, realize staying stuck in an emotional tape loop causes you to become afraid of trying anything else.  It also zaps you of your energy and enthusiasm.  Ask yourself – “Is this the best use of my time and my thought process?  Or am I better served by learning to let it go, forgiving myself, and focusing on how I want to proceed from here?”  
You’ll realize your time and effort is much more productive by letting go of any need to beat yourself up over it.  Beating yourself up is:
  • Not going to motivate you
  • Not going to keep you from making other mistakes because that’s how you learn
  • Not going to create enthusiasm for any other projects you want to do

What it will do is keep you stuck in one place and prevent you from moving forward.  It can stop you dead in your tracks from accomplishing what you want to do in life.  Is that really in your best interest?

Do what works for you to let go of being stuck in the past

Whatever method works for you to move on from your mistakes, do it.  EFT and FasterEFT are great tools I use with clients.  They help to acknowledge your feelings about a mistake or results you hadn’t wanted,  so you’re able to let it go. It’s important you honor your emotions because then you can quickly move through them.   With them out of the way, you can then calmly take away any information or knowledge from the experience. 
Be willing to take the time to work through the emotions in an efficient manner and then get on with your dreams and your life.

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Book a complimentary call to learn discuss ways to release any blocks that stand in your way.

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(805) 265-9063
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

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