When you deny how you feel about something, or you tell yourself you’re “over it”, but you haven’t fully worked through the emotions, those emotions end up buried inside you where they eventually come out in one way or another. The habit of burying emotions is pretty much the norm with people.
We’ve been taught to just get on with life and not acknowledge how we feel. But doing this takes a big toll.
Buried emotions create inner turmoil or worse
Emotions that are buried and not dealt with have been linked to:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Poor self-esteem
- Teeth grinding or TMJ
- Poor relationships
- Chronic Fatigue
- A feeling of emptiness
- Angry outbursts
The list goes on. Stuffing emotions has also been linked to poor immune and health issues. With the stress it causes, it damages your body’s ability to heal or remain healthy.
The benefits of opening to your feelings
When you learn to allow your feelings in, not only do you feel great relief, but you’re also in touch with your personal truth – what it is that inspires you and makes you come alive. You also feel less stuck. You have a more positive feeling inside of you. When you’re in touch with your feelings, you also have an easier time expressing yourself. All great benefits to supporting a fulfilling life.
The process of uncovering buried emotions
When you start looking at what emotions or past experiences you might have buried, it’s best to do it in a way that helps you feel secure and supported. Our subconscious is designed to keep us safe, so anything that looks like a threat will only shut you down and hide difficult emotions or events even further from your conscious mind.
Think about it. Why would you be willing to uncover uncomfortable emotions if they’re only going to feel threatening or be extremely hard to unravel? You wouldn’t. This is where EFT works well. They allow a person to look at what’s holding them back. As you work with EFT, the subconscious brings up memories or events that it feels safe to look at. And events that you’re ready to let go of. As you move through these events or past experiences and you see how much relief you gain from it, you become more encouraged to keep doing it.
Healing, growing, and creating the life you want is a process. It’s something we do for the rest of our lives, if we want a fully experienced life. If your desire is to have joy, contentment or fulfillment in your life, the way to insure that is to keep learning and growing.
A great book on getting in touch with emotions, why you’d want to, and ways to do it is Living Like You Mean It – Use the power and wisdom of your emotions to get the life you really want. What I love about this book is the author is someone who understands, personally, the cost of not being open to your own emotions. He lived like this for a good part of his life until he learned to experience his emotions in an easy way. The book addresses why most people are afraid to feel their emotions to one degree or another, and takes the reader through steps to change this.
If you want to explore any emotions that could be holding you back, book a complimentary call. I’m happy to answer any questions you have and we’ll see if we’re a mutual fit.
Contact Info:
(805) 265-9063
Santa Barbara, CA 93101