Do you have a passion? A burning desire to do something? Do you know what you want to do but for some reason, aren’t doing it? If you aren’t doing it, you have blocks to passion or purpose.
Maybe you’d like to be passionate about something, but haven’t discovered what it is yet. In this article I’ll cover how to discover what blocks you from following through on your passions. In upcoming blogs, I’ll cover ways to dissolve these blocks and if you have trouble accessing your passions, I’ll write about ways to discover what your passions are, or what your purpose is.
What Blocks You From Taking Action
If you’re not following your passion, purpose, or heart’s desire, there’s something blocking it. Two of the biggest reasons people block their ability to take action or to drop into their passion and purpose are:
- Fear,
- or a feeling of “Not deserving it”.
Either of these will stop you from taking action. Underneath procrastination, reluctance, or “reasons for not doing it” are some of the following:
- Fear of failure
- Fear of being judged
- Fear of making a mistake
- Fear of success – this one can sometimes be even more compelling than “fear of failure”
- Don’t deserve it – This one is a powerful block and links to self-worth or self-esteem
- Guilt or shame over something you before. This creates a feeling of “I’m not worthy“
- Overwhelm – this is also a form of fear
- “I don’t have the time, energy, or money”
The list goes on. But the reason we block ourselves is for protection. We don’t want to feel pain, discomfort, or humiliation. These are common reactions, especially if we’ve experienced them before, and most of us have. When we’ve had deep disappointments, felt embarrassed, ridiculed, or hurt, of course we don’t want to feel these emotions again. We’ll do just about anything not to feel that way again – including sabotaging our own happiness or success.
Identify Your Blocks to Passion and Purpose
To identify what holds you back, look at reasons you give for not doing something. Dig a little deeper, if necessary. Ask yourself why you haven’t done it. Then ask yourself what “might happen” if I did do it? Are you afraid or nervous about someone else’s reaction? Do you feel like you’re on overwhelm with too much going on? Do you think it will take away from time you spend with family or friends? Do you think it will have an influence over your finances?
While all of these are concerns are valid reasons for not doing something, when you’re 100% congruent with what you want to do, you find a way. You become creative and you’re driven to find solutions so you can accomplish what it is you’re passionate about.
- You reorganize your schedule so you do have time to do it.
- You find a way to do it where it doesn’t impact you negatively in regards to your finances.
- You work through your reaction to how another person’s opinion affects you
What if You Still Can’t Find Out What Your Underlying Fear or Doubt Is?
Think of it this way. Imagine you want to lose weight. You’ve tried everything you know to lose weight. Somehow though, you only lose a pound or two, or you lose it, but then regain the weight. Something within you is keeping you from achieving the weight loss. It could be:
- Not following through on your diet or exercise program
- Keeping you from discovering what would work for you
- Fully committing to finding the solution no matter what it takes
If You Find Yourself Back in the Same Place, Look at What’s Missing
When you find yourself back in the same position, over and over again, there’s something missing. If you don’t feel the drive or passion to accomplish it, no matter what, there’s something standing in the way. And that something is either fear or a feeling of not being worthy. This can come out as “I don’t have what it takes to succeed. I’m not enough.”
- Not good enough
- Not smart enough
- Not organized enough
- Not healthy enough
Tap Into Your Indomitable Human Spirit
In a future article I’ll take you through some tapping examples for releasing the fears, doubts, or blocks you have to fully taking hold of your passion and allowing it to motivate your actions. If you want to receive the next blog article, you can check back here or sign up below for my newsletter. In the meantime, you can check out What is EFT? to look at a simple to learn technique, that helps dissolve any blocks keeping you from moving forward.
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